Near Kala Patthar, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad.


The school bus is available to all students. The bus fee must be paid on a monthly basis , failing which the transport in charge will be authorized to cancel the students name from the bus list.

Our school provides proper bus facility to all its students coming from Noida and nearby areas in different routes. Children are provided comfortable and safe journey from home to school and back. Every route is accompanied by a teacher as the bus in-charge ensuring personal attention to each student and their overall safety and security.

About US

Adarsh public school's future will be shaped by the core values that have defined our past: academic freedom, tolerance, and experimentation. Our vision is of a natural,holistic,student-centered learning environment.

Contact Details

  • +91-8130265292
  • +91-9953418122
  • Adarsh Public School, Near Kala Patthar, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh 201014
